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- /*
- * Control_panel.c -- opens a small window giving user general options.
- * $Revision: 1.3
- */
- #include "header.h"
- #include "prog-protos.h"
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- /* Prototypes */
- Prototype BOOL open_control_panel (struct HolePrefs *);
- Prototype void close_control_panel (void);
- /* Shared variables */
- Prototype struct HolePanel *panel;
- Local struct Gadget *create_gadgets (struct NewGadget *);
- Local void refresh_window (void);
- Local BOOL initialise (void);
- /* Globals */
- struct Gadget *glist = NULL;
- struct Screen *pubsc = NULL;
- struct HolePanel *panel = NULL;
- struct IBox *winsize = NULL;
- struct IBox *basbox; = NULL;
- struct RastPort *TextRP = NULL;
- struct TextFont *font = NULL;
- struct DisplayInfo *di = NULL;
- APTR *vi = NULL; /* VisualInfo */
- /* Statics */
- static const char *msg_ignoreprot = "Ignore Protection";
- static const char *msg_confirm = "Confirm deletion";
- static const char *msg_limit = "Delete Limit";
- static const char *but_snapshot = "Snapshot";
- static const char *but_unsnapshot = "UnSnapshot";
- static const char *but_save = "Save";
- static const char *but_use = "Use";
- static const char *but_cancel = "Cancel";
- static const char *but_quit = "Quit";
- static const char *but_about = "About";
- /* Fill patterns */
- static const UWORD white_grey[] =
- {
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x9999, 0x9999,
- };
- static const UWORD blue_grey[] =
- {
- 0xAAAA, 0xAAAA,
- 0xAAAA, 0xAAAA,
- };
- /* Functions */
- /* General startup - returns TRUE if ok */
- BOOL initialise (void)
- {
- unless (winsize = malloc (sizeof (struct IBox))) return (FALSE);
- unless (basbox = malloc (sizeof (struct IBox))) return (FALSE);
- unless (panel = malloc (sizeof (struct HolePanel))) return (FALSE);
- unless (pubsc = LockPubScreen ("Workbench")) return (FALSE);
- unless (TextRP = malloc (sizeof (struct RastPort))) return (FALSE);
- unless (di = malloc (sizeof (struct DisplayInfo))) return (FALSE);
- unless (GetDisplayInfoData (NULL, (UBYTE *)di,
- sizeof (struct DisplayInfo), DTAG_DISP,
- GetVPModeID (&(pubsc->ViewPort)))) return (FALSE);
- /* Open the font into a rastport so we can use TextLength() */
- unless (font = OpenFont (pubsc->Font)) return (FALSE);
- InitRastPort (TextRP);
- SetFont (TextRP, font);
- vi = GetVisualInfo (pubsc, TAG_END);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- void close_control_panel (void)
- {
- if (panel && panel->window) CloseWindow (panel->window);
- if (glist) FreeGadgets (glist);
- if (vi) FreeVisualInfo (vi);
- if (font) CloseFont (font);
- if (di) free (di);
- if (TextRP) free (TextRP);
- if (pubsc) UnlockPubScreen (NULL, pubsc);
- if (panel) free (panel);
- if (basbox) free (basbox);
- if (winsize) free (winsize);
- /* Tell everyone that the panel has closed down */
- panel = glist = vi = font = di = TextRP = pubsc = basbox = winsize = NULL;
- }
- BOOL open_control_panel (struct HolePrefs *prefs_p)
- {
- if (panel->window) /* If window is already opened */
- {
- WindowToFront (panel->window);
- ActivateWindow (panel->window);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- unless (initialise()) goto fail;
- panel->prefs = *prefs_p; /* put initial preferences into HolePanel struct */
- struct NewGadget ng;
- winsize->Left = pubsc->WBorLeft; /* border at left edge of window */
- winsize->Top = pubsc->WBorTop + pubsc->Font->ta_YSize + 1;
- winsize->Width = pubsc->WBorRight + winsize->Left;
- winsize->Height = pubsc->WBorBottom + winsize->Top;
- ng.ng_TextAttr = pubsc->Font;
- ng.ng_VisualInfo = vi;
- unless (create_gadgets (&ng)) goto fail;
- /* Find position of mouse pointer, so window can open over it */
- {
- ULONG IBaseLock = LockIBase (0);
- winsize->Left = IntuitionBase->MouseX - (winsize->Width / 2);
- winsize->Top = IntuitionBase->MouseY - (winsize->Height / 2);
- UnlockIBase (IBaseLock);
- }
- unless (panel->window = OpenWindowTags
- (
- WA_Left, winsize->Left,
- WA_Top, winsize->Top,
- WA_Width, winsize->Width,
- WA_Height, winsize->Height,
- WA_MinWidth, winsize->Width,
- WA_MinHeight, winsize->Height,
- WA_AutoAdjust, TRUE,
- WA_PubScreen, pubsc,
- WA_SmartRefresh, TRUE,
- WA_DepthGadget, TRUE,
- WA_DragBar, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- WA_Title, "Black Hole Options",
- ) goto fail;
- AddGList (panel->window, glist, ((UWORD) -1), ((UWORD) -1), NULL);
- refresh_window();
- RefreshGList (glist, panel->window, NULL, ((UWORD) -1));
- GT_RefreshWindow (panel->window, NULL); /* Perform the GadTools initial refresh */
- return (TRUE);
- fail:
- close_control_panel();
- return (FALSE);
- }
- void refresh_window (void)
- {
- /* Fill window with nice white/grey stipple pattern */
- SetAfPt (panel->window->RPort, white_grey, -1); /* set up rp for pattern fill */
- RectFill (panel->window->RPort,
- pubsc->WBorLeft,
- pubsc->WBorTop + pubsc->Font->ta_YSize + 1,
- winsize->Width - pubsc->WBorRight -1,
- winsize->Height - pubsc->WBorBottom -1
- );
- /* Fill indented box with blue/grey pattern */
- SetAfPt (panel->window->RPort, blue_grey, -1);
- RectFill (panel->window->RPort,
- basbox->Left,
- basbox->Top,
- basbox->Left + basbox->Width -1,
- basbox->Top + basbox->Height -1
- );
- DrawBevelBox (panel->window->RPort,
- basbox->Left,
- basbox->Top,
- basbox->Width,
- basbox->Height,
- GTBB_Recessed, TRUE,
- GT_VisualInfo, vi,
- );
- }
- /* Macro to shorten a lot of lines in the next function */
- #define textlen(x) (TextLength (TextRP, (x), strlen (x)))
- struct Gadget *create_gadgets (struct NewGadget *ng)
- {
- struct Gadget *gad = NULL;
- int but_width, but_height, xspace, yspace;
- /* Work out size of buttons, making them square. */
- but_height = (TextRP->TxHeight * 3)/2; /* 3/2 times font height */
- but_width = (but_height * di->Resolution.y) / di->Resolution.x;
- xspace = but_width / 2; /* general spacing value */
- yspace = but_height / 2;
- gad = CreateContext (&glist);
- winsize->Left += xspace; /* Top corner of winsize is where corner */
- winsize->Top += yspace; /* of Quit button will go. */
- /* Now set up the IBox struct for the 3D box that surrounds some options */
- /* I am going to pray that the Snapshot/UnSnapshot line will be the largest! */
- basbox->Left = winsize->Left;
- basbox->Top = winsize->Top + but_height + yspace;
- basbox->Width = textlen (but_snapshot) + textlen (but_unsnapshot);
- basbox->Width += (3 * xspace) + (2 * but_width);
- /* Standard settings for most gadgets */
- ng->ng_Height = but_height;
- ng->ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_IN;
- /* Up in the corner on Piccalo, Quit! */
- if (gad)
- {
- ng->ng_LeftEdge = winsize->Left;
- ng->ng_TopEdge = winsize->Top;
- ng->ng_Width = but_width + textlen (but_quit);
- ng->ng_GadgetText = but_quit;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, TAG_END))
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_QUIT;
- }
- /* Over on the right on guitar, About. Oh yes and he's broken a string! */
- if (gad)
- {
- ng->ng_Width = but_width + textlen (but_about);
- ng->ng_LeftEdge = winsize->Left + basbox->Width - ng->ng_Width;
- ng->ng_GadgetText = but_about;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, TAG_END))
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_ABOUT;
- }
- /* The next three want the text to their right */
- ng->ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_RIGHT;
- /* Delete Limit */
- if (gad)
- {
- ng->ng_Width = textlen ("555") + but_width;
- ng->ng_LeftEdge = winsize->Left + xspace;
- ng->ng_TopEdge = winsize->Top + (2 * yspace) + but_height;
- ng->ng_GadgetText = msg_limit;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (INTEGER_KIND, gad, ng,
- GTIN_Number, panel->prefs.deletelimit,
- GTIN_MaxChars, 2,
- ))
- {
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_LIMIT;
- panel->gad_limit = gad;
- }
- }
- /* Then a line below, Confirm Deletion */
- if (gad) /* has to read some fields from it, so it must exist */
- {
- ng->ng_Width = but_width;
- ng->ng_TopEdge = yspace + gad->TopEdge + gad->Height;
- ng->ng_GadgetText = msg_confirm;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (CHECKBOX_KIND, gad, ng,
- GTCB_Checked, panel->prefs.confirm,
- ))
- {
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_CONFIRM;
- panel->gad_confirm = gad;
- }
- }
- /* Ignore Protection */
- if (gad)
- {
- ng->ng_TopEdge = yspace + gad->TopEdge + gad->Height;
- ng->ng_GadgetText = msg_ignoreprot;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (CHECKBOX_KIND, gad, ng,
- GTCB_Checked, panel->prefs.ignore_prot,
- ))
- {
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_IGNORE;
- panel->gad_ignore_prot = gad;
- }
- }
- /* Go back to putting text inside the hitbox */
- ng->ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_IN;
- /* UnSnapShot button */
- if (gad)
- {
- ng->ng_TopEdge = yspace + gad->TopEdge + gad->Height;
- ng->ng_LeftEdge = winsize->Left + xspace;
- ng->ng_Width = but_width + textlen (but_unsnapshot);
- ng->ng_GadgetText = but_unsnapshot;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, TAG_END))
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_UNSNAP;
- }
- /* Now on drums, Sammy the Snapshot button. */
- if (gad)
- {
- ng->ng_LeftEdge = winsize->Left + (2 * xspace) + gad->Width;
- ng->ng_Width = but_width + textlen (but_snapshot);
- ng->ng_GadgetText = but_snapshot;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, TAG_END))
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_SNAP;
- }
- if (gad) basbox->Height = gad->TopEdge + but_height + yspace - basbox->Top;
- /* And down below on Timpani, Save, Use and Cancel. Keep bonging, guys! */
- if (gad)
- {
- int right_edge_save, left_edge_cancel;
- ng->ng_TopEdge = (2 * yspace) + gad->TopEdge + gad->Height;
- ng->ng_LeftEdge = winsize->Left;
- ng->ng_Width = but_width + textlen (but_save);
- ng->ng_GadgetText = but_save;
- right_edge_save = ng->ng_LeftEdge + ng->ng_Width;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, TAG_END))
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_SAVE;
- ng->ng_Width = but_width + textlen (but_cancel);
- ng->ng_LeftEdge = winsize->Left + basbox->Width - ng->ng_Width;
- ng->ng_GadgetText = but_cancel;
- left_edge_cancel = ng->ng_LeftEdge;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, TAG_END))
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_CANCEL;
- ng->ng_Width = but_width + textlen (but_use);
- ng->ng_LeftEdge = (right_edge_save + left_edge_cancel - ng->ng_Width) / 2;
- ng->ng_GadgetText = but_use;
- if (gad = CreateGadget (BUTTON_KIND, gad, ng, TAG_END))
- gad->UserData = (APTR)GAD_USE;
- }
- /* Set up size of window itself */
- winsize->Width += (2 * xspace);
- winsize->Width += basbox->Width;
- winsize->Height += (2 * but_height) + (4 * yspace);
- winsize->Height += basbox->Height;
- return (gad);
- }
- #undef textlen(x)